The inclusion of this special risk will be subject to an additional premium that will n.mp3ally be higher than the basic insurance for the ordinary marine risks. 包括这种特别险就必须附加保险费。这种保险费一般要比通常的海洋运输货物险的基本险高。
Continue surveillance. During the acute phase of the outbreak, it is necessary to keep suspects at special risk under observation. 持续监测。在爆发的急剧阶段,必须将面临特殊威胁的疑似病例置于监视之下。
Breakage on the goods shall be a special risk, for which an extra premium will be to charged. 破损险是一种特殊险别,对此要必额外的保费。
The inclusion of this special risk will be subject to an additional premium. 投保这种特别险须额外加收保险费。
These charges are to be collected in advance by means of Miscellaneous Receipt. The Inclusion of this special risk will be subject to an additional premium. 该等费用应预先收取,并发出杂项收据认收款项。投保这种特别险须额外加收保险费。
Pregnant women are considered at special risk for influenza infection based on morbidity and mortality from previous pandemic events and from intense influenza seasons. 从既往的大流行事件和流感高发季节所观察到的患病率和死亡率来看,孕妇发生流感感染的危险特别高。
If you desire us to insure against a special risk, an extra premium will gave to be charged. 如果你方想要我方投保其他特殊的险别,则须支付额外的费用。
According to the usual practice In International trade, special risk be not covered unless the buyer ask for them. 根据国际贸易的惯例,只有当买方要求时才投保特别险。
If you want us to insure against a special risk, an extra premium will have to be charged. 如你想投保特殊险别,需收取额外保费。
Is there any special risk or danger. 在运营中是否有特殊风险?如有,请说明。
It is a very special risk which is the key to the success to whether we can prevent the next financial crisis effectively, and it may give birth to other kind of risks as well. 虽然金融道德风险目前尚未列入商业银行风险管理和银行重点监督管理的范畴,但却是关系到能否有效预防下一次金融危机的一个非常特殊的风险,且也有可能成为其他风险的重要来源。
I should point our prices were calculated without insurance for any special risk. 我应该说明,我们的价格没有把特殊险计算在内。
This is special risk, the stand or fall that chairs because of him affects bridal success directly. 这是非常冒险的,因为他主持的好坏直接影响到婚礼成功与否。
Breakage is a special risk. 破碎险是一种特别险。
Owing to the management particularity of the life insurance Corporation, the Corporation is also faced with the special risk at the aspect of the fund application. 由于寿险公司在经营上的特殊性,其在资金运用方面也具有区别于其他资金的独特属性,因此在寿险资金的运用和管理上需要进一步加以分析,寻求一些特殊的资金管理方法和措施。
College settling account centers are special units managing currency fund with special risk. This article probes into methods of the risky management and may be useful for the development of such centers. 高校结算中心是管理高校货币资金的特殊部门,特殊部门具有特殊风险,结合高校实际探讨了该部门风险管理的意义和方法,对其发展具有指导作用。
The finance industry is a special risk industry. 金融业是一个特殊的风险行业。
Conclusion: The patients with hypertension disease, particular the advanced age patients can undergo the operation under the special risk management. 结论:各种高血压患者特别是高龄高血压患者,在分时安全管理下可以接受无痛拔牙。
Electronics notarize is combination of tradition notarize and modern network. It can fix the electronics data on time, lower the special risk of the electronic commerce. 而电子公证作为传统公证与现代网络的耦合,能够及时固定电子数据,降低电子商务的特殊风险。
Risk management focuses on establishment of special risk management department, stronger supervision of local financial risk and creation of risk control methods, observed from the interior of financial system at the grass-roots level. 从基层财政系统内部来看,风险管理主要集中在建立专门的风险管理机构、加强对基层财政风险的监测、创新风险调控的手段三个方面。
Analysis of the special risk of investment in China's stock market 对我国股市特殊投资风险的分析
Methods ARDS patients admitted in the intensive care unit ( ICU) during the period of 1998-2003 were listed in this study with their clinical data, to analyse various special risk factors contributing to the death rate, using χ 2 test to check the significant difference. 方法收集1998&2003年间因ARDS收入ICU所有患者的临床资料,分析各种特定危险因素与病死率之间关系,进行χ2检验。
As for atherosclerosis, CRP is a common risk factor of general population ( including type 2 DM), although CRP is not a special risk factor of type 2 DM. 就致动脉粥样硬化而言,CRP是普通人群(包括2型DM)的一般危险因子,并非2型DM的特殊危险因子。
Nonsystem risk is a special risk only for some companies or industries which can be diversified from multi-asset. 非系统风险是一种特定公司或行业所特有的风险,它是可以通过资产多样化分散的风险。
In the forth chapter, which analysis managing risk of inner guaranty company, such as company governess risk, operating process risk, capital risk and stress to apply the inside administration for control the special risk. 在第四章中对担保机构内部风险进行了分析,对公司治理结构风险、业务操作风险、资本金风险、赔付风险等进行了具体的分析和论证,着重强调利用内部管理实现特有风险的控制。
The entire process carries on has been monitored and controlled through special risk management and summarized after the project finished. 整个过程通过专门的风险管理活动对项目运作过程中的风险进行监督和控制,并在项目结束时予以总结。
In the special risk and risk of child important degree were compared, and gives the corresponding scaling value basis, forming a judgment matrix, through calculating the special risk weight. 在对各风险专项和风险子项的重要程度进行比较,并给出相应的标度值的基础上,形成判断矩阵,通过计算处理得出专项风险权重。
As the principal part of security market, the security investment fund in our country is also faced with particular and complicated framework and market environment, hence be confronted with the particularly special risk environment, risk situation and risk management strategy. 由此,使我国的投资基金在发展过程中面临着极其特殊的风险环境、风险状况以及风险管理策略。
Secondly, the special risk factors in Pakistan oil projects were identified by literature research, cases study and expert interviews and the risk factors list was set up. 使用文献研究、案例研究以及专家调研等方法,对巴基斯坦地区油气工程可能遇到的特殊风险因素进行了识别和分析,确定了风险清单。
The kind of business which mainly include: homeowners insurance, commercial property insurance, engineering insurance, agricultural insurance, aircraft insurance, vehicles insurance, cargo insurance and special risk insurance and other types. 其主要包括的业务种类有:家庭财产保险、企业财产保险、工程保险、农业保险、航空器保险、运输工具保险、货物运输保险和特殊风险保险等种类。